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The school was founded in 1891 and the first building was designed by Charles H. Bishop in 1895. The kindergarten through grade six community school was re-constructed to its present location in 1957.
This building is a one-storey, steel frame structure with a wood deck roof. The floors, the corridors, and washrooms are terrazzo.: classrooms vinyl asbestos tile. Acoustic ceilings have been used generally throughout with walls of slag block painted to provide a pleasant enviromnent for the occupants. All
chalkboards are green Lite-Site for eye comfort. Each classroom is equipped with pupils' wardrobes, project counters, cupboards and sinks. Tepid water
is supplied to each classroom.
The murals in the corridor, which are of a historical nature, were salvaged from the kindergarten of the old building and sent to the Toronto Art Gallery where they were renovated, touched up and suitably mounted so they could be relocated in the corridor of this new building. There is a very attractive painting box to afford the necessary protection from damage.
The playground area is finished with asphalt and marked out for various games suitable to the school curriculum. There is a small attractive play area set aside for kindergarten use which is equipped with walks, sandboxes, etc.