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The past. Our present. Your future.

About ACO Toronto

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Architectural Conservancy Ontario - Toronto
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 206,
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) Toronto Branch roots go back to ACO's founding 1933. Started by University of Toronto Professor Eric Arthur, and based in Toronto while working across Ontario, ACO was incorporated to help communities preserve buildings and structures of architectural merit, as well as places of natural beauty and interest. Eric Arthur wrote the seminal book on Toronto architecture, Toronto No Mean City.

When ACO began to form branches throughout Ontario, Toronto was established as a separate branch first known as the Toronto Region Architectural Conservancy (TRAC), and later as Toronto Architectural Conservancy (TAC). Toronto remains one of the largest ACO branches.

Our role has been to set the stage for conservation advocacy through public education.

Our public information efforts have evolved from public events and publishing books and magazines, to development of our most significant research project to date: TO Built, a publicly accessible online database. TO Built offers a means of recording all property in Toronto, including photographs, research, drawings, and links to other, external sources of information. The database is open source and provides an opportunity for anyone with information to share it with others. We hope that consolidating community research will facilitate protection for future generations!

In addition to undertaking research and preparing publications, ACO Toronto regularly hosts public events showcasing and celebrating diverse aspects of the city's heritage, such as our recent symposium Toronto's Disappearing Main Streets: Buildings and Businesses

ACO members receive both the Acorn magazine and web-based Acorn in a Nutshell, as well as Toronto's own e-newsletter.


Interim President: Alex Miller-Miller Gerrard

Interim Vice President: Alessandro Tersgini

Secretary: Adam Sobolak

Treasurer: Patricia Milne

Member at large: Amanda Large

Member at large: Leslie Thompson

Member at large: Marybeth McTeague


Donor Development: Zoe Goluch 

Operations and Development Coordinator: Justine Tenzer

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© 2024 ACO Toronto