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644-646 Spadina Avenue is owned by Knox Presbyterian Church. In 2018, Knox Presbyterian Church offered 2 proposals for a redevelopment at the southwest corner of Harbord Street and Spadina Avenue. One of the proposals would see 644-646 Spadina Avenue relocated to the west, although retained, restored, and incorporated into a new structure affiliated with Knox Presbyterian Church; whereas the other proposal would see the demolition of 644-646 Spadina Avenue to create a small public square. As of Fall 2020, no formal decision has been publicly communicated regarding which of these 2 proposals will be pursued further.
The Heritage Attributes of 644-646 Spadina Avenue are:
The heritage attributes of the building are found on the exterior walls and roof.
Clad with brick and trimmed with brick, stone and wood, the houses rise 21/2
stories above a rubblestone base with window openings. The structure is
covered by an expansive hip roof that extends into a gambrel roof at the rear
(west) end. Gabled dormer windows and gabled wall dormers mark the north
and east slopes. Chimneys are positioned near the corners of the roof and
extend down the side walls (north and south). The principal (east) façade of
the houses features a pair of entrances that are recessed behind round-arched
openings that spring from columns. The doors are flanked by single oversized
round-arched window openings with brick corbels and voussoirs. Above the
entries, a brick panel separates the single flat-headed window openings in the
second floor. In the outer bays, oriel windows rise to meet the wall dormers.
The side elevations are not identical. The south elevation projects in two
sections and repeats the fenestration introduced on the east façade. The north
wall facing Harbord Street features a centrally-placed entrance (for the original
doctor’s office) beneath an oriel window, while the remaining window openings
have segmental-arched heads. The rear wings have been removed from the
west elevation, which features segmental-arched door and window openings.
Source: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b1836cfb40b9ddc9b9f3ab1/t/5cc857ec419202c81dbf24ef/1556633580696/Bousfields-Memo.pdf