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The 1959 mid-century expressionist gate built at the CNE grounds is the third version of the Dufferin Gate. The original wooden structure built in 1895 was replaced by a more grand entrance by G. W. Gouinlock in 1910. The Dufferin Gate was the primary entrance to the CNE grounds until the 1927 opening of the Princes' Gates on the east end of the grounds.
In the 1950s, the 1910 gate was demolished to make way for the construction of the Gardiner Expressway. This 1959 Gate was built 15 metres south of where the first two Dufferin Gates stood.
The 1959 Dufferin Gate is a parabolic arch built of reinforced concrete. Its design is similar to the St. Louis Arch, which, although technically built after the Dufferin Gate, had been designed earlier. It was built at a cost of $265,000.