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43 Huron Street was constructed in 1874. 43 Huron Street was 1 of the first 3 houses built on the east side of Huron Street.
43 Huron Street was first home to Alexander Mitchell, who was the caretaker and manager of St. George's Reservoir. St. George's Reservoir was a municipal water reservoir located a few blocks north on the east side of Huron Street just north of St. Patrick Street (now Dundas Street West). Alexander Mitchell was also a local builder.
Previous addresses of 43 Huron Street include 31, 33, and 35 Huron Street. The address numbering gradually changed over time with the intensification of development along Huron Street.
From the mid-to-late 1920s until at least the late 1960s (and perhaps later), 43 Huron Street housed the Chevra Tiferes Israel Anshe Synagogue.