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In 1949, families from St. George’s Anglican Church at Yonge and Churchill Streets, along with other interested people founded the Church of the Annunciation to effectively meet the spiritual needs of the growing number of young families settling in the neighbourhood known as Lansing. In 1951, the Annunciation’s church building opened.
The parish of All Souls, Lansing, was formed by families living east of Yonge Street. Land was purchased at Bayview and Sheppard and a Parish Hall was built on the property with a view to building a church at a future date. The church was never built and the Parish Hall became a Sanctuary. Subsequent decades brought great changes to the neighbourhood. There was a sense that both parishes could minister more effectively together rather than separately. After a lengthy process, both parishes agreed to amalgamate and a new name was chosen. The amalgamation was made official by the Diocese on February 1, 2005, and this new parish became known as Church of the Incarnation.