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Located on the south edge of Centre Island, this picnic shelter by architects Venchiarutti & Venchiarutti, designed in a modern aesthetic, was one of the first public structures to be built on Centre Island under the development overseen by Tommy Thompson in 1956.
With a concrete roof structure echoing the rhythmic nature of waves surrounding the island, resting along the shoreline. Attracting visitors for a chance of respite within the Island’s Park, with facilities for cooking amongst others with the use of the fireplace within the curved brick wall. Integrated permanent seating in the form of concrete shelves as well untethered picnic seating allow for a place to sit and rest. Continuous grout lines meet the alignments of the tapered columns laying on a symmetrical structural grid.
As a result of the uninformed knowledge regarding its original key features and clean appearance, and with the need of alterations such as integrated lighting, its form has received multiple unsightly modifications. With drainage gutters unaligned, resulting in run off to pool and collect, as well as flashing altering the purity of the concrete roof lines. Alterations like these are a result of its failure to be designated as a worthy heritage structure.