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The current Jean Vanier Catholic Secondary School sits on the site of the Tabor Park Vocational School, a high school opened to serve the large the baby boom generation in the Scarborough region.
Tabor Park\'s building was designed by renowned modernist architects Webb, Zerafa, Menkes, Housden, four architects that worked under the iconic Peter Dickinson. Construction of the new school began in 1964.
Decreased enrollments in the 1980s led to the closing of Tabor Park. After a short time as the Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies, the building was brought into the MSSB (now known as the TCDSB).
Since 1989, the site has been home to Jean Vanier Catholic Secondary School, with renovations and an eastern addition completed in 1994. This school was subsequently renamed to St. Joan of Arc Catholic Academy in 2020 after the sexual abuse allegations against its former namesake were revealed.