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The school was originally called West Park Vocational School and was designed by Abram & Ingleson. George S. Abram was the partner in charge of the project and James J. Nowski the project architect. Consultants were R. Halsall & Associates Ltd., structural; G. Granek & Associates, mechanical; McGregor Associates Ltd., electrical, and the general contractor was Melia Construction Co. Ltd. The first students moved into the building in September 1968. It was a special vocational school for boys with learning difficulties and served the entire western half of the city. In addition to classrooms, the building included a double gymnasium, a tailoring shop, an auditorium and a swimming pool, and there was a parking garage. The building cost $22.45 per sq ft.
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School began its history as two schools merged in September 1988. The Merton traditions of 35 years joined with the new school of Bishop Marrocco. Two hundred and fifty Marrocco students met 500 Merton students and 350 grade 9 Marrocco/Merton students who filled the building with bursting energy for starting something new, something amazing.