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1906: Toronto Board of Education decided to construct a new school. 1907: Original building designed by C.H. Bishop opened with a principal's office, library, 4 classrooms, and 2 science rooms. This building was constructed at a cost of $57 473, and plans for later additions were drawn up. Contracts for Original Building -Masonry: H. Lucas and Son ($39 465) -Carpentry: Frank Armstrong ($11 325) -Plastering: Dancy Bros. ($2100) -Painting: T. Barrett ($1140) -Plumbing: Fred Armstrong and Son ($1000) -Tinsmithing and Roofing: A.H. Ormsby Company ($1693) 1910: Addition built, consisting of an Assembly Hall and 8 classrooms. 1914, 1922, 1924: Additions built according the C.H. Bishop's original plan. Frank E. Blefry oversaw/worked on the 1914 major addition. 1950: North-West wing opened, with new auditorium and cafeteria. 1953-54: Renovations of main building and additions built (new heating plant, lockers, hallway ceilings lowered, fluorescent lighting, swimming pool with change rooms, conversion of old assembly hall in girls' gymnasium, extension of boys' gymnasium, basement transformed into art area). 1961: East wing addition consisted of 8 classrooms, washrooms, cadet and atheltic storage space, sub-basement with cadet firing range. The quadrangle was replaced by Music headquarters, with a band room, vocal room, instrument storage, and offices. 1963: Student population had grown so much that 10 portables were being used. 1966: Guidance and office areas enlarged. 1974: New library built. 1993: Construction for a new building, to the west of the original, begins. The only parts of the original building that were to remain were the auditorium and the exterior front wall. 1995: By February, the new building is complete. A glass front connected the old and new buildings. The official reopening did not take place until September.